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Influential Books

Each of these books changed how I think about the world the first time I read them.

His articulation of the conversational nature of reality is so beautiful and resonates so deeply with me.
She wrote so many great books but this one was a surprise that I love.
This gave me language to understand science and story-telling. My religion is poetic naturalism.
A great novel packed with interesting ideas. I stole the Codex Vitae for myself.
This was the first book I read that directly discussed systems thinking, starting me down a long path. Also, just a great business book.
This changed how I thought about probability, risk, and volatility... which are all much more important than they seem.
The best intro to systems thinking I know of.
This changed how I think about technology.
I was so inspired by this that I built 750words.com based on morning pages.
A truly unique and warm book about being yourself. Worth reading 100 times.
Jane led the way with using games for good when everyone else was using them for evil.
The book is great and I reference it a ton for how to intermingle words and art.
This is such an interesting view into Pixar and Ed Catmull's organizational genius.
A super weird book that broke my brain in a good way.
This cracked opened the whole world of cognitive biases for me. I recommend the audiobook version.
This is Amy's latest book but all of her work is great, including her talks and workshops.
This covers pretty much Alan Watts' entire philosophy. The audiobook is highly recommended.
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Articles that changed how I think

Neurons Gone Wild

This forever changed how I think about my brain. It definitely got creepier.
December 29, 2018

Make Your Own Rules

I'm obsessed with life rule sets, and this only encouraged it.
December 29, 2018

Your Life In Weeks

This inspired me to map my own life in weeks.
From Tim Urban.
December 29, 2018

Evolution of Trust

The best intro to my favorite game: prisoner's dilemma.
December 29, 2018

1000 True Fans

The manifesto for creators.
December 29, 2018

Touching the Wild

This article, and many of Kathy's talks, helped remind me of my true nature.
December 29, 2018

how to do nothing

I've read this a dozen times, it's such a great exploration of the art of doing nothing.
December 29, 2018

Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System

This completely changed the way I think about action of any kind.
December 29, 2018

10 Reasons Why Our Universe Is a Virtual Reality

Quantum realism is such a beautiful way to see the world.
December 29, 2018

Buster Benson (@buster) is a writer and builder of things. If you're new here, check the about page or see my entire life on a page.


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