Page of Wands

Range of meanings

Light: Leaping at a new opportunity. Being a cheerleader or ardent advocate for your cause. Being a True Believer. Taking first steps toward independence. Trusting in your own abilities. Asking for feedback.

Shadow: Basing your entire self-image on what others think. Seizing every new idea that comes your way without question. Habitually discounting input or feedback from others. Being so eager to “do it yourself” that you hinder your own progress.

Questions to ask

  1. How easily do you admit your own inexperience?
  2. How can you be a better student or employee?
  3. What qualities would make a total beginner’s voyage of discovery easier?


Personal Growth: Make something happen! List your goals, determine what needs to be done, pick a target, and take those first steps. Learning new tricks keep the mind and body young. A mature soul sets ego aside and embraces the unknown with eagerness.

Work: Be honest about your ability—or your lack of ability. When someone uses a term you don’t know, ask for a definition. Watch for opportunities to be a student and to learn new programs and processes. Your ignorance can be a tool, helping you see what others will dismiss.

Relationships: Be eager to try new things, especially activities that fall outside your comfort zone. Don’t hide your emotions: let eagerness show. Be vulnerable; if you don’t know what to do, admit it. Learn from a more experienced lover, or take someone under your wing.

Spirituality: Pledge to fully experience (or recapture) the thrill of exploring new spiritual horizons. Read a book for beginners—even if you’ve been involved in your practice for decades. Consider teaching others; beginners should find a trustworthy teacher.

Fortune-Telling: This card represents a young man or woman with a fiery, enthusiastic demeanor, likely born a Cancer, Leo, or Virgo, who wants to start a new relationship with you.


Element: Earth of Fire

Fool's Journey: The main character's doubts about himself or herself are dispelled by a positive experience.

Page: The Page represents anyone who wants to or needs to learn about something.

Wands: One of the four suits of the tarot. Also sometimes called rods, staves, or staffs. Represents desire, inspiration, vision, creation, and invention. Many decks depict budding Wands, suggesting the potential for growth. As a suit marker, Wands suggest the power and potency of a king’s scepter. When a Magician wants something to happen, he waves his magic wand to make his intentions manifest.